
A nice sign of spring, Iris is a nice bulb flower and spread rather well over time.
A new favorite grow, popcorn is becoming a larger part of the garden over the years to come.
Found out that sunflowers make get support for Morning Glories. Seeds from both end up bird seed.
Troybilt Repairs
After many years of service beyond our family gardens, go out to replace leaking tine seals and find transmission seal gone out as well. Drain the transmission and let the fun began.
Troybilt Repairs
Once the tine shaft is removed, we find a groove woren into the shaft, after a few weeks of filling and sanding back to smooth using sandpaper 800 grit with oil.
Troybilt RepairsOnce the tine shaft is removed, we find groove woren into the shaft, after a few weeks of filling and sanding back to smooth using sandpaper 800 grit with oil.
The first part of the reshaping of the garden area, 2023 will be the first year without a larger patch of strawberries and popcorn will take its place.